V2.3.7 (October 18th)
•Added two new modes.
Desktop mode: Removes 90% of the buttons and gives you a much much bigger space to draw, You have to know keybinds to use this.
Mobile mode: For People with Phones, by default this is selected. This displays all the buttons like the original.
V2.3.6 Maximum optimization Update (October 15th)
•Completely threw wait times out the window, Instead of using key values like I used to I now use records to hold colors.
•Lowered loading screen time
•Lowered color saving time
•Lowered code lines to under 6000
•Changed position of 3 buttons on own color screen to fill white box.
•Added animation to both randomization and the 3 buttons on own color screen.
•Changed help screen to match new one.
•Fixed bug with color saving.
V2.3.5 (October 13th)
•Cleared saves and assigned new User ID's to EVERYONE.
•Added Randomize Color Swatches into Own color Screen
V2.3.4.5 (October 9th)
•Changed reset period.
•Added Explaination in Extras.
V2.3.4 (October 4th)
•Stopped Feature Requests.
•Replaced missing buttons with the two most requested features Rainbow pen and Mouse drawing. They were already implemented but are now accessible via Mouse!
•Moved Grid button to bottom UI
•Removed Draw Big Plus Button
•Added Enable Custom Fade in place of Grid
V2.3.3 (September 30th)
•Fixed Playtime check Screen not allowing you to go back.
•Added a check screen for requests. It tells you whats already in the program, to avoid implemented requests.
•Fixed bug with keybind checking. If 2 or more keybinds were disabled the program would say duplicate found.
V2.3.2(September 27th)
•Fixed a bug with the Negate button on the own color screen not keeping the alpha value in the negated color
•Fixed a bug with own color screen's keybind. Instead of using "C" to go to it and pressing again to go back to drawing you were able to press any key.
•Added Bullet points to changelog for easier reading.
V2.3.1 (September 24th)
•Changed the 10 Minute playtime check to a 3 minute playtime check to limit spam to a 3 minute wait time and to allow others to permit their ideas.
•Added Date stamps for updates to show when the app was last updated.
•Added 10 Minute playtime check to reduce spam in requests and surveys.
•Added playtime in extras!
•Added Keybinds & Rebinds for Grid, and Mouse Drawing (G and L)
•Optimized keybind setting, removed extra lines of code.
•Fixed bug with Mouse Drawing creating large lines across the screen when clicking somewhere else.
•Fixed bug with Mouse Drawing being able to go out of bounds.
•Fixed bug with Mouse Drawing not correctly using Pen Up and completely ignoring it.
•Added Drawing with mouse!
•Press L on the screen and click and drag to draw, press L again to disable mouse drawing.
•Stopped Design Requests due to complications with users.
•Changed design request to Feature request.
•Changed Gradient on start screen.
•Added a new fun fact.
•Fixed bug with color storage not showing up correctly on startup.
•Fixed bug with a Secret.
•NOTICE: If the program crashes it will send you to the loading screen with a sound. If this happens, Email me and explain to me what happened.
•Took Freedraw 1 off the published games list.
Freedraw 1 can only be accessed from the more games menu on the start screen.
•Cleared all saves due to program lagging while checking for specific values.
V2.2.5 The Conservation Update
•Optimized Grid function even further, uses way less memory than before.
•Added a Hide Date and Time Setting in the Settings Menu.
•Added a Request Design Feature.
•Added Autofix to User ID's.
•Optimized the Rainbow Fading color animations.
•Precision Selection: MoveTo now uses a click point to move, click on the screen and the turtle will go to your mouse.
•Removed Triangle Design.
•Removed Eye Design.
•Changed settings icon.
•Added a checking system for keybinds, if there is a duplicate keybind, it will not let you exit the screen.
•Added 2 new rebinds, you can now rebind Custom pen, and Rainbow pen.
•Fixed bugs with boundaries and being able to escape them.
•Added new function: Make your own Fading Color using the new menu button in Own Color. 2 RGB values will fade and by pressing Shift will run it. Pressing shift again will result in it stopping after the cycle has finished.
•Fixed bugs
•Paused updates due to ideas running out.
•If you would like to contribute for more updates send a survey with the recommendation in your notes
•Imported Credits Scheme from Clicker Fren
•Added RAINBOW PEN COLOR. Press Z to turn it on if the setting is on in settings
•Fixed ID's
•Not a change to 2.0 but a change to freedraw 1.
•Code.org has a new command and that is open, buttons on freedraw 1 now open free draw 2
•Changed 4 button gradient to 3 button gradient.
•Copyrighted Freedraw.
•Moved around some labels.
•Beta button colors removed due to memory leak.
•Fixed bug with color fade slowing program down.
•Removed Live Chat due to certain problems.
•Fixed User ID's
•Added a 4 button gradient to the start screen.
•Stopped updates for a while, Ideas have been short.
•Removed Theme Setting (There were too many new buttons and I couldn't add them all because there were ID's mixed up.
•Edited color fading for the text "Own Color" to be faster and more noticeable
•Added new setting: Animations.
Click the button to toggle the fading color animation on the Own Color button (saves)
•Fixed bug with some values saving too quickly once more.
•Fixed Broken User ID's
•Fixed bug with Movement text.
•Added quick controls for secret codes (After they have been put in)
•Added keybinds for secret.
•WE HAVE SOUNDS, some specific things make sounds now.
•Added gradients to different buttons.
•Added a Fading rainbow text color for the own color button (If code.org has a slight stall it will slow down the fading time.)
•Changed loading screen to now have a bookmark text for people who want to play the app again.
•Added a Bug Report which uses the same screen instead of a different one, I have evolved in coding.
•Fixed User ID's that broke with value saving
•Greatly shortened color saving time, now takes 2 seconds to save colors instead of 4.
•Organized a secret to use functions instead of the same code but slightly different.
•Fixed Rating for Survey, only allows 1 - 10 instead of any other number or letter.
•Left and Right Arrowkeys now Arc, Specify the values in Settings!
•Fixed Bug where Arc angle And Arc Radius values wouldn't save
•Added 1 new secret and started development on a new function for drawing.
•Added a background to many buttons so they're easier to tell apart.
•Changed the + and - buttons to have bolder symbols to make it easier to see.
•Wiped All Values to clear clutter for players who don't play anymore.
•Removed Greeting image due to more space needed on start screen
•Branded Free Draw.
•New button colors, Bright blue instead of a Grey blue.
•Text Areas now have rounded edges.
•Many floating buttons have a circled border of 10px give or take.
•Added a Live Chat!!!
•Added User ID label in bottom corner of start screen and a Version indicator
•Redesigned Own color screen.
•Added a 10px circle border to color save boxes.
•Added an Alpha Value Making RGBA Color types.
•Added Randomize + Alpha Bringing us to 100 Buttons!!!
•Added a Beta Thanks screen for the people who beta tested
•Changed Color type settings.
Preset- Shows the 10 Preset colors.
Custom- Shows Your custom colors that are stored from the custom color screen.
•Survey is different
•Secrets to find 4 in all
•Made a loading screen to keep code from breaking attempting to save too quickly.
•Pen up Hotkey now Puts pen down when used again.
•Background color setting.
•Theme setting and Text Color setting.
•Quick start setting, Allows Program to auto start drawing on next load if set to true.
•Move & Turn setting values now save!
•Boundaries are now less destructive drawing wise. (no more lines out of them)
•Image help screen.
•New Title Rainbow Gradient and Bold text.
•Draw Triangle
•Draw Eye
•Draw Diamond is now centered around the turtle instead of to the right
•6x6 Grid now uses little memory
•Color screen now has a color storage, and it saves!
•Halfed time for color saving now 4 seconds from 8
•+ and - Buttons and a new layout.
•More key binds to rebind.
•New settings for move buttons text.
(Arrows, Text, or Key)
•Fixed bug with color saving, saving too fast for code to handle and not saving at all
•Fixed reset not resetting every button to its proper area (erase, pen up) and hiding the label for erase.
•Fixed a bug where randomize color and Own RGB would break with + and - buttons.
•Fixed loading screen bug where it wouldn't set values in specific intervals.
•Fixed 2nd loading screen bug where new players values wouldn't save properly.
•Fixed bug where Quick start would allow you to bypass Loading screen and take you back to the start screen.
•Fixed pen up bug with new boundary checking.
•Fixed bug with key binds breaking with capitals.
•Fixed bug with values not saving correctly for color storage.
•Fixed bug where Colors wouldn't load with their Alpha values properly.
•Fixed bug where Turtle would disappear when resetting the drawing board.
•Fixed bug where controls break on certain keys.
•Fixed bug with color storage not allowing proper + and - buttons to function.